Ocampo Capital aims to be a trajectory amplifier:Ā It advises, supports, and invests in consumer companies,Ā aiming to help themĀ achieve their aspirations.

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Newsletter 10: An Interview with the co-Founders of Future Fans Aug 29, 2024

Mike Schroder and Michael Gold are helping little kids become big fans through the company they co-founded, Future Fans Inc.  Future Fans creates fun- and easy- ways for children to learn...

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Newsletter #9: "Perhaps We Have a Quorum Right Now" Jul 22, 2024

Two weeks ago, I attended a dinner in Los Angeles comprised of 25 or 30 venture capitalists.  Much of the conversation that evening revolved around artificial intelligence: given that nearly...

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Newsletter #8: An Interview with James Bello, Founder & CEO, Shameless Pets Jun 04, 2024
Did you know preventing food waste is the #1 action individuals can take to fight climate change?  

James Bello is the CEO and Co-Founder of Shameless Pets, a company that "upcycles"...

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The Struggle- circa 2024 May 22, 2024

Unless your company has "AI" in its name, the commentary from investors and startups seems to be unanimous: the fundraising environment is extremely difficult.  In fact, many are saying it is...

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Learning From Missing Out Apr 18, 2024
Today is an appropriate day to acknowledge the worst financial decision of my investing career.
In 2012, I was on a conference call with my friend Bryan Leach and a small group of his...
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Study the Past to Define The Future Mar 14, 2024

“History rhymes, it does not repeat.” 


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Why Launch Ocampo Capital Now? Feb 29, 2024

Friends of Ocampo Capital,

In my last post, I shared a bit about my background and how I came to develop Ocampo Capital.  As I shared:

Ocampo Capital is a trajectory amplifier: it advises,...

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My Rationale for Launching Ocampo Capital Feb 23, 2024

Friends of Ocampo Capital,

In my first post, I shared the official launch of Ocampo Capital after several years of testing and proving my hypothesis on consumer venture capital.  As I shared:

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Introducing Ocampo Capital Feb 14, 2024

Friends of Ocampo Capital,

Thomas Edison once said, “opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”  That is as true now as it was at...

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